Roberto Carlos is the number 1 artist in Brazil, with a career spanning 59 years, a Latin American song idol and revered in many countries throughout the world. He needs no introduction and is a living example of world success in Brazilian pop music. He has inspired affection, admiration and adulation among his millions of fans who follow him throughout Brazil and the world. Singer and composer of over 600 songs and the greatest example of the Jovem Guarda (Brazilian musical movement of the 60s) consolidated his success in the 70s with romantic songs and unequaled charisma. He did not follow the trends but built his career around songs that speak of love, solidarity and faith in tomorrow. His greatest inspiration is love, from the innocence and youth (songs from the 60s), moving on to tumultuous loves and sensual awakening (in the70s), to intense, earth shaking loves (in the 80s) and finally the discovery of true, mature, balanced love and full of passion (from the 90s until today). He is an icon of credibility, romanticism, religion and family.